The "Human" Dolls
Deja Vu: Not only do they have the same hair style,
but they are also both short and with almost exact personalities!
Both are coldhearted, powerful, and pretend not to care when someone important of theirs get hurt.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were blood brothers!
The Laughing Idiots
(from the left) Jinnai, Kodachi, NagaDeja Vu: Nothing about them is really similar, except for one thing...THEIR LAUGH!!!!
Their laughs are the most _ANNOYING_ laughs in the entire Universe!
In fact, they could take over the (Anime) Universe with just their laughs alone!
They could make deaf people scream out for mercy!!!Kasumi and Belldandy
Deja Vu: They may not look very similar,
but they have the exact same personalities!
They like to cook, clean, they care for everybody, and take care of everybody.
Bell may be a little bit more emotional and Kasumi more naive,
but I think that if Kasumi had a larger role and more character development
she would be more emotional at times.
Likewise with Bell if she switched places with Kasumi
that she would be a little more naive.
They also have the same japanese voice actor too! Go figure!
Makoto & Keichi
Deja Vu: Makoto and Keichi look very alike with their short hair.
Besides the visible similarity there is also the fact that:
Both of them are the main characters of their anime or manga,
they're are both good with mechanics,
and they both have similar personalities.
They're both modest, caring, a little shy, and
have had more than one girl after them at one time!
The Greatest Perverts in the Universe
Ataru & Happosai
Deja Vu: Anybody who's seen these two know the extent of their extreme perverse natures.
Happosai makes a living of stealing panties, bras, and groping women
while Ataru is the master breast groping and bear hugging.
These two are the most perverted men in the entire world!
Nobody can out perv these two.
The world shall dread the moment these two meet and join forces. *shudder*
(from the left) Key, Ruri, ReiDeja Vu: The main similarity in this pair lies mainly in personality,
though all three usually look emotionless and Ruri & Rei both have hair that's a shade of blue.
Another similar fact asides from their personalities is that none of these girls are what you call "biologically human".
Don't read this if you don't want Neon
Genesis Spoiled, but what I mean is that Rei is a clone,
Key is a cyborg (having some components of a human and I'm not referring to the Human side of Key),
and Ruri was born in a lab of some sort.
Now, onto the personalities, the most outstanding thing about this trio
is that all are almost completely emotionless and speak in
Every once in a while, they'll give a timid smile or a blush and such,
but they are usually very sober and serious.